Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Advent Calendars

I love Christmas and all the traditions it brings. My boys love counting down the days with the many Advent Calendars we have around the house. Several of them I've made over the years, but this one is definitely my favorite. Maybe its because everytime I look at it I think of the fun night I had chatting and sneaking treats with my two chicks Lori and Pauliene. There are no calories in chocolate when you eat it while giggling with girlfriends! LOL

We used some watchmaker tins and scrapbook papers and supplies to make these festive calendars. I had an old magnet board that I use to hang and display mine one. It was easy to just glue magnets on the back of the tins. The girls came up with a great idea of displaying the tins in a large tray on their coffee tables. Either way, all our kids love opening those tins everyday up to Christmas Eve!


Jeanine - The Baking Beauties said...

You know, after you made this one last year, I made a similar one. Wonder where I left it though?? lol

Marnie said...

Hi Jeanine! It took a while to find mine this year too! LOL

doulanana said...

Hey Marnie! Nice blog! I am so into altering things now too!
Merry Christmas to you and your family as well! Miss you!

Benedetta said...

Wow, I love it, what a cool idea. Best wishes for the new year!